quinta-feira, 8 de maio de 2014

the greatest

When I’m about to take you of my mind for a few moments, you come to me and say something amazing. I can’t really describe how many times this actually happened but It happened today and once again i’m just speachless. You’re definitely one of the best person I know and it’s insane how much I admire you as an incredible human being. I often take you by an example for so many situations that I go through my life. I could say you’re intelligent but I’ve already said that a million times (and that’s because you are), but I rather say that you are good. Even more than smart, or beautiful, or charming, or honest, you’re such a good big weird individual (hahaha) that makes me wanna say to everyone to fuck themselves forever because I love you and I don’t care at all. I could go through every shit that probably would come because you’re worthing my angel. I’ve never been so sure and I’ve never been so lost but I don’t dare to say that you make my life more special year by year and I feel so safe only by talking to you over the day. You’re more important than you think.

                                                                                                 let’s just stay the way we are, be with me forever but not with me forever at the same time

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